
The Leadership Team Culture Assessment & Development Program (CADP) offers leadership teams the opportunity to participate in an objective and robust culture assessment as a vehicle to support building a high performing, values-driven team that utilises the strengths of its members.  This comprehensive program includes key program elements that build capability quickly, including an initial 30 minute 1-on-1 meeting; three one-day workshops; five 1-on-1 coaching sessions; and three two-hour Action Learning Group Sessions. Leaders complete a Leadership Team Culture and Values Assessment and a 360 degree Leadership Development Report.

Learning Outcomes / Benefits

1. Reveal the motivations of individual leaders – understand which leadership values are important to them and serve as guides in their decision-making.

2.Understand how leaders currently experience their team and where they see opportunities for improvement.

3.Learn what factors are limiting the performance of the leadership team and preventing it from reaching its full potential.

4. Clear and aligned leadership team vision & purpose and engagement with the leadership core values and behaviours

5.Explore the values from a strategic perspective to help the group develop their plan for the future.

6.Build a high performing, engaged leadership team.

Who Should Attend?

The program is specifically designed for senior leadership teams.

Delivery Mode

The program is delivered face-to-face: 1-on-1; small groups and whole team sessions. Coaching (group and individual) has been rigorously validated as the most effective way to increase learning application. Leadership coaching sessions will be focused on helping each leader to build and execute on relevant leadership actions. The leadership team workshops are a central part of the learning process and are customised based on each team’s needs. The focus of the action learning group includes revision, reflection and discussion using real-life examples, and peer learning.

This program is delivered through a partnership between www.theleadershipsphere.com.au  and  www.evolvingleaders.com.au

Contact nicola@evolvingleaders.com.au or phillipr@theleadershipsphere.com.au to arrange a free consultation to discuss your requirements.